
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Keep It Together!

A lot of things going on lately...

Having a hard time dealing with some things that have happened I feel like I am being torn in so many different directions. My family has never been that close and it has always affected me negatively, but we are currently going through something pretty big. One of my siblings was taken out of my mom's care because someone at their school decided to convince them they were better off some where else. They has been gone since September and I have only seen this family member twice since then and it is killing me because I used to see them often. Well we are trying to make it so they can come live with us and my mom has agreed but the other people are doing everything they can to keep my sibling away. (let refer to this sibling as Morgan, it seems to be a gender neutral name) Right now apparently the biggest concern is school, we were trying to set it up to where Morgan can finish school online this year and then we would enroll Morgan in another school next year since we are moving out of state. The school offers online courses but we are out of district so they wont let Morgan finish the last month and a half online. So I am currently looking into ways Morgan can finish school this year... Another issue of mine with this whole situation is that the people Morgan is staying with have say over whether or not holidays get to be spent with family and that is just wrong.

Another thing on my plate is when my son was about 18 months old I was concerned about his speech and wanted to do but people including the pediatrician said he was fine, it's because he was an only child ( now I have a 3 month old too) and to wait until he turned and then we would see if I was still worried. Well he turned 2 a couple months ago I told the pediatrician I was still worried and would like to have him evaluated. It took awhile but the therapist finally called back and we set up an appointment, which was today and after his evaluation I was informed that my son is 6-9 months behind in his receptive speech (how he understands and responds) and 3-6 months behind in his expressive (how he communicates). When I found out I was so disappointed in myself that I didn't push harder for it in the first place. I did everything I could at home working with him as soon as I thought there was something up. The therapist assured me that I did everything right and sometimes kids do so well in other areas that this gets looked over as just a toddler thing. I am just glad that I stood my ground this time.

Then there is moving... I absolutely hate moving even when we are just moving a short distance, but now it is to a different state. Thousands of mile away from most of my family, packing by myself, (my hubby is leaving earlier to start his job and find us a place) and moving with a 30 month old and an 8 month old will not be a picnic. This will definitely be out of my comfort zone, but I think it is the right thing for us to do right now so I am being (well trying to be) supportive of my husbands dreams and doing what I have to for my family.

I know I ranted a lot, but hey maybe someone out there will cross my page and have some helpful advise... I'm just not ready to share all this with friends and family. :)

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