

I have been wanting to start a blog for a few years now but I never really knew how long it would last, or if I would be any good at it so I just kind of pushed it off. After learning that there is going to be a  big change in my life and seeing some inspiring blogs I decided to go ahead with it. So here I am just trying to collect my thoughts and get this thing started.

I guess I will get started by explaining how I came up with my blog name.It took me a while to come up with this title and I am still not sure if it is a keeper. As you probably guessed I am a mom and that is where the motherhood part came from, and the fact that a majority of my blogging will be done about the trials and triumphs about being a momma. The " No Payne No Gain" part is a little less self explanatory. Pain comes with the territory of being a mom whether it's in labor and delivery, stepping on toys, or seeing your child hurt. The reason why I chose the spelling P-a-y-n-e is because that is my last name and without the wonderful man I married (almost 3 years now) I would not be the person I am today nor would I have my 2 beautiful children.

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