
Monday, April 8, 2013

~INDIVIDUALITY: The New Abnormal~

Growing up I was always told "be yourself, be different, be UNIQUE" but it seems like that isn't as easy as It used to be. With out trying all through out school I was a "different" kid. I didn't fit in with any certain group, and I liked it! Now as an adult I am trying to find my way in life and not succeeding as well as I would have liked. I love being a wife and I love being a mom, but I want to love being me. I think that is a struggle many of us have, not knowing who we are.

As a young child I loved drawing, but even then I knew it wasn't going to be my thing. I dabbled in some other things like skateboarding, biking, soccer, football, pretty much any type of sport or things that would get my adrenalin moving. I also tried singing, so not my thing! Then I got to middle school and realized I liked taking pictures of anything and everything, and I was quite good. But I didn't have a decent camera and thought hey I have a while before I will be able to pursue photography so I put it off for the most part. I tossed around some other cool things but was still really interested in photography.

I soon realized I was really good at taking care of kids, so that became my thing for awhile (and still is). I would take every opportunity to baby sit even with out pay because I loved being really good at some thing and being able to do it on a regular basis. I continued doing child care all through out high school, and taking a few pictures to keep my talent fresh. After high school I became a nanny for my brother and sister-in-law and it was amazing. My goal was to go to school in the fall for early childhood education and take some photography classes too. I moved in to a different place which made it harder to be a nanny, I was not able to pay for school and wanted to avoid getting student loans, so I planned to get a different job, work and save for a year, then go to school. Well I got married and had a baby and decided to wait even longer, because I wanted to be a stay at home mom.

While I was pregnant with my second I realized EVERYONE does photography, and it kind of broke my heart. When I first became interested in photography and even up until the last year barley anyone I knew was a photographer and now I feel like every time I turn around someone from school, or another complete stranger pops up with the ability to take a great photo and get it published. It took me until just recently to realize WHO CARES! If this is something I love to do more than anything I need to use every asset I have to continue forward. Taking pictures may be some thing everyone does, but every photo is different, just as every photographer, or whatever YOU want to do is. No 2 people, no 2 talents, and no 2 object are exactly a like. It may appear that way to the naked eye, but everything is different in its own wonderfully, amazing way. My goal (in this particular area) Is to be the best photographer I can be, to show people the beauty in life through another persons eyes. Even though my camera is not even close to being high quality I am going to use it as if it were.

So, whether you are 5, 15, or 50 don't let anyone kill your dreams. That includes yourself, because you are your own worst critic.Even if it seems like everyone around has the same one, all you need to make it your own is YOU.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Caught The Bug!

    I have finally caved in to the what seems to be a very contagious trend! As soon as our store bought items get used up I am going to make small batches of homemade, dishwasher detergent, stain remover, laundry detergent, fabric softener, and anything else related to cleaning. I am super excited! I didn't think it would catch on with me just because I never thought of myself as a DIY kind of person, but today I realized I don't have to be a certain type of person to make things. :)

    It's funny I am sure many of you relate, but as a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) I feel like I never have time to do anything for myself and yet I am going to try to add in concocting new ways to clean clothes. As this is not the first time I have added more to my plate, my theory is that maybe the more things I can squeeze in for myself, no matter how simple they are the more organized and sane I feel. Possibly because it keeps my focus off the craziness I can't control... :)

    I am still researching and trying to get together a few different ways to make everything so I can be sure to find what fits my family. When I get things figured out I will be sure to post results, hopefully with pictures because they are always more appealing.